Sunday, March 24, 2013

Myths Surrounding Insurance

insurance myths
The low awareness of the public to buy an insurance product due to allegations regarding damages or constraints that would be obtained if you buy an insurance product. Is this true?

This is what needs to be clarified. Life insurance is an important part of financial planning. However, misconceptions about life insurance can prevent people to get benefits. Later, when there is a problem, he just realized, should have already long ago to purchase insurance.

So you do not inedible gossip or hearsay about life insurance (which is not necessarily true), you should first identify the myths about life insurance are the most popular.
  1. People who are young and single people do not need insurance.
    Is there a person who suffered a loss when we die? although we not have disadvantages, we maybe leave the credit card debt, mortgages, cash loans, up to the cost of the funeral.
    Life insurance policy will generally cover these costs. The faster, or the younger you buy insurance, you can get lower premiums. Insurance will also ensure that costs you spend when you are having health problems later.
  2. Only someone who already have children who need insurance.
    According to Michael Bonevento, senior financial advisor at Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.., They were married and had children or not, still had an obligation to buy insurance.
    Even so, there are many instances where single people also have insurance. When the single came from a family that was lacking, he could leave his family insurance claims in the event of a problem for him. So, he took the insurance to make sure his family is not experiencing financial problems when he was gone.
  3. If the company has been providing insurance, for what buy insurance?
    Many companies that provide life insurance or health insurance for employees, whose value may be equal to your salary a year. This may be a benefit for you, but what if you do not work anymore in the company?
    Are not you can not predict when you will experience the risks that may occur? What if you suddenly had to be hospitalized? It may be too late if you have to buy insurance when it is needed for anticipated disadvantages that may arise due to currency risk.
  4. Life insurance is generally too expensive.
    When will buy insurance, you will be given the option to charge premiums according to your ability. Premiums selected young people would be lower than those already established. in addition to annual paid, some are premium can be paid monthly. You can upgrade this premium value when your financial condition is getting better.
  5. All the same insurance policy.
    His name is also the product or merchandise. Each one certainly has its advantages and disadvantages, which are manifested in the form of policy. The policy may use the same term, but the substance of what may be covered may different.
    So when you purchase an insurance product, do not just consider price alone. Read the policy given carefully,so that you do not feel cheated later.
  6. Housewives do not need to purchase insurance.
    You may not have an income, but you would still have to provide the facilities needed by the family. For example, child health, food and clothing needs, home care, and so forth.
    When her husband died suddenly, or not able to work anymore, those needs must meet its own course. Well, life insurance can ensure your security while the couple was no longer present to meet your needs.
  7. Buying insurance is complicated.
    It takes time to process your insurance purchase, including the approval of your proposed insurance requests. However, the current financial planner insurance agency has implemented aliases pick up the ball.
    That is, they come to you and take care of everything. If less clear with the rights and obligations of you, you can also access it himself on his website. You can also compare yourself with other insurance products. If still not clear, you can schedule another meeting with your agent.
  8. If I had life insurance, it means I do not believe God's protection.
    When we left the car / house, whether we locked the car or not? If we believe in the protection of God, of course, we do not need to lock the door at all, because God will take care of for us.
    God gives to human intellect and mind so that people can think. Just as God gave us minds that want to lock the door of the car / house when leaving it and do not make God a house keeper or your car, then God also gave us minds so that we can protect ourselves from the unexpected by taking protection insurance and do not blame God when things happen that are not in want.
  9. Difficult insurance claims, and often do not pay.
    If the insurance claim is difficult and complicated, the insurance business will certainly continue to shrink because no one else would insurance. In fact insurance business continues to grow each year. Why not pay a life insurance claim can be read here, Why Insurance not Paid !
  10. Participating life insurance that means I'm going to die soon.
    If all life insurance customers immediately died shortly after take insurance, the insurance company would have been bankrupt long ago, because how could pay customer claims whose value if not worth the premium paid.
    It is precisely the fact is most long-lived insurance customers because in prayer by all employees and insurance agent, so the next year and subsequent years customers can still pay insurance premiums so that they all still working and get salary from company.
For further information, consult your life insurance agent or financial advisor. Good Luck!

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